Finally, you decide to make the desired tattoo. Of course, tattooing is not the most pleasant process, but the result is worth it. The final step to get the perfect tattoo is good care. First, to provide a clear and vivid appearance, and secondly, the place where the image is applied is essentially a wound that must heal without undue complications.
The first few days are very important. Therefore, we have created a step-by-step guide on how to take care of a new tattoo:
1. After the tattoo artist has put the image, he usually covers a protective bandage. This allows the skin to calm. It is important to listen to the recommendation of your artist. However, it is advisable not to remove the bandage for at least 3 hours, ideally 5-6 hours.
2. The next step is washing the tattoo area. Use warm water and hypoallergenic soap. Carefully and gently, without using a sponge and towel, wash a new tattoo with hands (remember to keep your hands clean). Avoid rubbing or washing under stream water it can irritate the skin. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day for two weeks to maintain hygiene and accelerate skin healing.
3.Keep the area tattooed dry. Immediately after washing, you can dry the skin with a paper towel or air dry. Such care will help to avoid irritation, discomfort and unpleasant consequences. The same with clothes - choose free items made of delicate fabrics. Leave the wool sweater on the shelf in the closet.
4. Moisturizing the skin. Apply light moisturizer or an antibacterial ointment by a thin layer to allow the skin to breathe. This procedure is important to do because in the first weeks after the tattoo, skin redness, flaking, itching is possible (don't worry, this is a normal process). The cream gives a positive effect on the wound, alleviating these symptoms. Also, if the tattoo area is open, use UV protection cream. This will provide a saturated and bright look of tattoo for much longer.
Every tattoo salon will give you detailed rules for proper care. But additional instruction will not be superfluous.